Is Toyota Corolla Axle Replacement Cost different for a different model?
Toyota corolla axle replacement cost will be much or less according to the car model. Some of the models can cause less cost. On the other hand, some of the model can cost more than thousands. The meaning is the prices will be so different from each other according to the car model.
Also, the mileage the car has spent will add an extra charge of labor. Since a car has two-axle, one may need to replace two of them at a time. In that case, the total cost will be too high. One may look below for more information on the cost.
Toyota Corolla Axle Replacement Cost
The axle in Toyota corolla will allow the car to keep driving its wheels. It is the instrument in the car that connects the wheels with the steering. One part of the axle will be connected with the transmission. On the contrary, the other part of the axle will be connected with the wheel.
The axle will allow the wheel of the car to move forward, backward, as well as rotate. For example, one is driving the car and taking a rough turn. This is the axle that allows the wheel to take that rough rotation. So one can imagine how crucial the part is to be in good health.
However, the axle is not something evergreen or bulletproof. With the use, its health will fade away like any other part of the car. Even the axle can get damaged long before its lifespan because of the rough use.
In case the axle of the Toyota corolla is not in good health and one goes for a drive. The time they will take a rough rotation the axle will die. It will cause a total loss of control that means a serious accident. Also, the car will not go an inch forward or backward if the axle is not working.
So, it’s important that one replace the axle the time they realized something wrong with it. Keeping it for repairing and using will not solve the problem. Because axle repairing is not the option but replacing is.
As with the replacement cost of other parts of the car, the axle replacement of the Toyota corolla will be different. The price will vary according to some factors. In some places, the price can be a little higher or a little lower. Also, a different model of the Toyota corolla will be responsible for the variation in cost.
Initially, the average labor cost will be 150$ to 200$ and the cost of the parts will be 300$ to 470$. As we said, the price will vary according to the model and the workshop one will choose. On average the total cost will be 475$ to 1117$.
Moreover, people often as of the Toyota corolla axle replacement cost for a different model. Because the total cost will extremely vary according to the model. The automobile workshop will ask for different labor costs for different models.
So the cost for the different models will be,
2010 Toyota Corolla
For the Toyota Corolla model 2010 which has run more than 100,000 mileage, the workshop will charge around 120$ to 150$. Besides, the parts for the replacement will cost around $285 to 349$.
2001 Toyota Corolla
For Toyota Corolla model 2001 which have run more than 140,000 mileage, the workshop will charge around 130$ to 160$. Besides, the parts for the replacement will cost around $344 to 420$.
2018 Toyota Corolla
Since the model 2018 of Toyota corolla is the latest version. The service charge or the labor charge of it will be a little higher. The workshop will charge 150$ to 200$ for the car with around 50000 mileage. As for the parts, they need to spend 402$ to 492$.
From the above illustration of data, one can assume that the longer the mileage the more it will cost. Moreover, the model of the Toyota Corolla will have a great impact on increasing and decreasing the overall price.
When to replace the axel of Toyota Corolla?
Sadly or luckily whatever one may say, there is no fixed time for replacing the axle of the Toyota corolla. The replacement decision will depend on the use of the car. If one is a regular and rough user the replacement will come sooner. In the opposite case, one may have to replace it after quite a long time.
Normally, people tend to replace their axel after a journey of more than 140,000 mileage. However, it can be way too lesser in some cases. Moreover, there are some symptoms that will indicate that the axle needs a replacement. Those are,
1. Most noticeable change will be clicking or harsh sound coming from the wheel while changing direction.
2. Another symptom will be burned grease or black grease inside the wheel. Also, on the ground around the wheel.
3. One will feel a vibration while running the car at high speed.
The replacement cost of any parts of the Toyota Corolla car has no fixed amount. That’s the point confuse people. Because of it, many people get deceived by many automobile workshops. That’s why people want to know the estimated price of the replacement of various parts.
One of the common queries they have is the Toyota corolla axle replacement cost. As we are saying, the cost will depend on some factors that we have discussed above. Hopefully, one will find all their answers from the discussion and the data illustration.